Power Up Your Supply Chain: Outsourcing Logistics Hiring to a Staffing Agency

In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, a well-oiled logistics operation is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity. Building and maintaining a team of highly skilled logistics professionals can be a significant challenge. The competitive job market, the constant need for specialized skill sets, and the ever-evolving demands of the industry all contribute to the complexities of in-house logistics staffing. This is where Malace|HR steps in as your strategic partner for logistics … [Read more...]

Find the Right Fit, Right Now: Streamline Your Hiring in Metro Detroit with Malace HR

The Metro Detroit job market thrives on a constant influx of talent. Businesses require top-tier candidates to adapt to growth and evolving needs. However, efficiently filling positions can be a time-consuming challenge for HR departments. Partnering with a staffing agency like Malace|HR can help find your business full-time or temporary workers, while significantly streamlining your hiring and onboarding processes. By delegating the recruiting process to a staffing agency, you can forget your … [Read more...]

Why Do You Need Vendor Risk Management?

If you're not sure what vendor risk management (VRM) is, it is a process that attempts to deal with the risk inherent in dealing with third parties or suppliers to your business. It is largely concerned with reducing or mitigating these risks, especially as they apply to specific areas which might potentially be very harmful to your own business. These areas include cybersecurity, operations risk, compliance risk, reputational risk, financial risk, and strategic risk. Any one of these could … [Read more...]

What Everyone Ought To Know About Logistics Management And HR

The need for effective logistics management grows every day, right along with the increasing complexities of supply chain requirements and the necessities of transportation. The logistics industry is being challenged these days with labor shortages as well as rising inflation. That puts a premium on streamlining logistics management, thus making it more cost-effective. It's no exaggeration to say that if you don't have good logistics management, your company could be losing money and in … [Read more...]

What Is Temp-to-Perm Staffing And How Does It Work?

There are many situations that business managers encounter where they might need more employees on the job but they're uncertain about actually hiring anyone on a permanent basis. It could be that you're in a seasonal situation where demand is greater than usual, and then it will subside in a month or two. There are also situations where you might want to try out a new employee before hiring them on permanently, but you're concerned about bringing someone on board who might not fit in, or who … [Read more...]